Please register below by providing your contact information. We absolutely don't share or display online personal contact information. However, if we have a question about your contribution, we may contact you directly.

Event Frequently Asked Questions

Will images of my items be online?

We can't guarantee that all items will be put online; it will depend on the nature of the permissions you give us and the copyright status of that item. If there is any information about the item which you prefer not to make public, please indicate that on the item information form you will be asked to complete.

Can I keep a copy of the scanned file?

All the images and files will be online approximately one month after the event. We encourage you to check our website for updates. If any of your items do not appear online, please let us know and we can arrange for you to download a digital copy.

How much can I contribute?

We will scan as many items as we can at the event. If you have more items than we are able to scan, please talk to us about making an appointment to bring your items in after the event. Depending on the number and type of items you have, you may need to leave them with us for a few days. Audio and video and other special formats will be done by appointment only.

Do I get to keep my items?

Yes! Although we encourage individuals to consider donating the original materials to an archival institution, particularly for large and significant collections, in this case we will scan your items and return the originals to you. We'd be gla to give some suggestions on ways to help preserve your materials, as well.

Help me understand the Copyright Permission form.

This form gives us permission to put the scan of an item made or created by you on the Astrodome Memories website where we will give online credit to you. This permission does not transfer copyright; you will retain all rights to any items you created. For items that were created or published by someone other than yourself, no permission form is needed. We will attempt to get permission from the copyright holder before putting these online, and in some cases we may not be able to add them to the site.

My item is a duplicate of an item you already have on your site. Do you want it?

You were right to save this item, and other people did as well! The item may be a duplicate of something we have already scanned but your memory of it is unique. In some cases we will still scan the item, but we ask you to fill out an item information form with your own recollections. For published items or long documents, we may not be able to scan the item, but we suggest that you add your memory to the item record on our website either by completing an item information form (include the URL of the item) or by using the comment form on our website. Also, please consider a short oral history interview about why you saved this particular item.