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Harris County Archives

Harris County Archives logo

The mission of the Harris County Archives is to document the history of the government and the citizens of Harris County as revealed through county records and donated materials. The Harris County Archives is currently a part of the County Clerk’s Office and shares space with the County Clerk’s Archives. The holdings of the archives include approximately 6400 bound volumes, 3600 cubic feet of processed and unprocessed records, 637 bound volumes of the Houston Post, and over 14,000 rolls of microfilm including departmental records and the Houston Chronicle and Houston Post newspapers (1976 – 2001). Additionally, the archives includes over 600 volumes of scrapbooks and maps, photographs, video and film. The Harris County Archives is capable of providing digital copies of the records in its collection.

Contact Information

  • Address: 11525 Todd Street, Suite 300, Houston, Texas 77055
  • Email:
  • Phone: 713-274-9680



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