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Browse Items (3 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Castillo, Caroline"

Shirley Bilanowski, a native Houstonian, recalls the many kinds of entertainment she enjoyed with family and friends at the Astrodome. She attended the first regular season baseball game at the Astrodome, as well as many other activities, such as…

Connie Laveaux Howard was born in Many, Louisiana and moved to Houston in 1976. Howard was one of the original Houston Oiler cheerleaders when the program started in 1978. In this interview, Howard explains how she came to be a cheerleader. She drove…

Native Houstonian Gary Kilpatrick shares his memories of the Astrodome. Kilpatrick had the opportunity to watch the construction of the Dome and later was hired to be a press box runner at the Astrodome during 1967 and 1968. Kilpatrick's job allowed…
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