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High School Football game between MacArthur vs Beaumont West Brook at the Astrodome. West Brook player about to throw the ball. Saturday November 14, 1987.
Fisheye view photograph taken from the back of the stands during a performance from the Ringling Brothers Circus, at the Astrodome. Written on photo: Astrodome (Ringling Circus Performing) Bert Brandt &
Aerial close-up of Astrodome during the late stages of construction. Cars parked on the road around the Astrodome perimeter. Written on photo: [Feb 5] Bert Brandt &
Close-up of Astrodome roof during construction. Written on photo: A detail of the dome grid of the Harris County Domed Stadium the Astrodome during construction. Bert Brandt &
Interior Astrodome, stacked sections of new basketball court being moved around via fork-lift truck, with a orth American Van Linestruck in the background.
Aerial of Astrodome and parking lot under construction. Detailed view of the roofAerial of the skeletal frame of Astrodome, its parking lot under construction, and the clear wide space around them. Detailed view of the roof.