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Male and female song and dance troupe on the stage at The Crystal Palace, all wearing white and yellow, except the female performer in the center, who is wearing a pink fringe dress.
Houston Chronicle Lifestyle &Entertainment article about 20th Anniversary of Astroworld, featuring a picture of "brightly dressed attendants" at the park opening in 1968. Wednesday, June 1, 1998.
Astroworld Press Release Page 01 September 1969 - information on "Houston's Astrodomain" which includes Astrodome, Astroworld, Astrohall, and Astroworld Motor Hotel Complex.
Invitation from the Hofheinz family to attend an announcement of major importance to Houston, Texas, and the World of Fun. Saturday, September 16, 1967 at the Astrodome Club.
B&W Aerial photograph of Astroworld with information on the park including opening time, number of rides, and size. Opening day attendence 23,406 persons.
Ed Henderson production invoice to Astroworld for 60 Second Commercials for opening of Astroworld 3 June 1968. Deposit slip for total amount paid 7/16/68.
Astroworld "Training Session" invitation card for guests to sample the attractions prior to parks opening on June 1, 1968. Card explains that not everything is quite complete, and for guests to help the park get into shape for it's offical opening.