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Film Footage of Television News Segments from November, 1965


Dublin Core


Film Footage of Television News Segments from November, 1965


-- Grand Jury, Date: "11/23/65": Courtroom scenes.
-- Domed Stadium, Date: "11/24/65": Footage of a group of people on a tour of the Domed Stadium; interview with one of the visitors.
-- {Title not provided}, Date: No date: An interview with a man talking about the increase in poultry consumption.
-- Head - Big Lift, Date: "11/ /65": Footage of a reporter on board a US Air Force C-130 airplane with 60 soldiers making a trip from Connally Air Force Base (in Waco, Texas) to Germany; interviews with Lt. John Sweeney, Charlie Lambert, and Commander Larry Wright; reporter talking about the airplane landing in the Azores and the global route to Germany; footage with the C-130 airplane and the soldiers arriving at an air base in Germany 20 hours after leaving Texas. There are several breaks in the clip.
-- Adams at Council, Date: "12/6/65": Mayor Louie Welch and members of City Council making a presentation to another man who then makes a speech.
-- Hippo Lufkin, Date: "11/ /65": A small crowd of people watching as two men inspect a large crate with air holes.



Nov. 1965

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Used by permission - limited re-use. Contact the contributing institution for permission to re-use this item.

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Houston Public Library, Houston Metropolitan Research Center,




KHOU-TV Film Box 6501, Reel 26

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