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Film Footage of Television News Segments from March 22, 1971


Dublin Core


Film Footage of Television News Segments from March 22, 1971


- Auto Fatal, Date: "03/22/71": Footage of a police officer directing highway traffic past the scene of the accident, where two vehicles are shown to be totaled; Bill Sanford, a witness to the accident, describes to a reporter what happened. Mr. Sanford's interview continues in the clip "Bill Sanford - Car fatal" listed below. Warning: this clip contains graphic material that may not be suitable for all viewers.
-- Tex Nat Guard, Date: "03/22/71": Footage shows the exterior of a Texas Air National Guard hangar and a variety of planes and jets sitting on the runway.
-- Dome Preps for NCAA, Date: "03/22/71": Footage of men laying down, sanding, and painting plywood boards across the floor and setting up folding metal chairs in the Astrodome.
-- Burglars Caught, Date: "03/22/71": Footage from a wooded area where a police car, a truck, and another car are parked; the officer lays out a few things on the trunk of his car, in which a suspect is seated.
-- Dogs, Date: "03/22/71": Footage of dogs in kennels being fed bits of meat outside and dogs stacked up kennels indoors, as well as a van bearing the sign “Droverdale Old English Sheepdogs.”
-- Air Guard, Date: "03/22/71": Footage opens on a sign for the Texas Air National Guard at the Ellington Air Force Base as a reporter on the scene describes charges of aircraft misuse and failure to obey Air Force orders by Major General Ross Ayers.
-- Bill Sanford - Car fatal, Date: "03/22/71": Bill Sanford, witness to a fatal traffic accident, describes running over to check on the involved drivers, one of whom was dead by the time Sanford approached. This clip is related to the "Auto Fatal" clip listed above.
-- Bray, Date: "03/22/71": Two men at a council meeting argue about radio monitoring.
-- Joanne King - N. Viets, Date: "03/22/71": Channel 11 reporter Judd McIlvain, in Mayor Louie Welch’s office, describes the Houston mayor’s visit to Paris and meeting with top North Vietnamese officials concerning Houston POWs in Vietnam, as well as the possibility of making Hanoi a sister city to Houston.




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Houston Public Library, Houston Metropolitan Research Center,




KHOU-TV Film Box 7103, Reel 12


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