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Browse Items (14 total)

  • Tags: revival meetings

Several people in a pool during a Mass Baptism of Jehovah Witnesses at the Astrodome. Saturday July 9, 1983.

Woman being led up steps out of the pool at a Mass Baptism of Jehovah Witnesses in the Astrodome. Saturday July 9, 1983.

Several people in a pool during a Mass Baptism of Jehovah Witnesses at the Astrodome. Saturday July 9, 1983.

The base of the steps leading up to a large pool at the Mass Baptism of Jehovah Witnesses in the Astrodome. Saturday July 9, 1983.

President and Mrs. Johnson watch the Billy Graham crusade with Mrs. Krim and Roy Hofheinz, Nov. 19, 1965

President Johnson and Rev. Billy Graham arrive at the Astrodome, Nov. 19, 1965

President and Mrs. Johnson, watch the Billy Graham crusade with Mr. and Mrs. Krim and Judge Roy Hofheinz, Nov. 19, 1965

President and Mrs. Johnson watch the Billy Graham crusade, Nov. 19, 1965

President and Mrs. Johnson watch the Billy Graham crusade with Mr. and Mrs. Krim, Nov. 19, 1965
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