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Film Footage of Television News Segments from November, 1962 including an interview with County Judge Bill Elliott about the bond issue for Astrodome Construction.


Dublin Core


Film Footage of Television News Segments from November, 1962 including an interview with County Judge Bill Elliott about the bond issue for Astrodome Construction.


-- Governor Connally, Date: "11/08/62": Footage from the press conference after John B. Connally, Jr., wins the 1962 Texas gubernatorial race.
-- Glenn & Carpenter in [], Date: "11/08/62": Astronauts John Glenn and Scott Carpenter endorse the oral polio vaccine along with a group of other men from NASA and a young boy.
-- Nat Check Embezzlement Prober, Date: "11/29/62": A young man in suit and glasses walks around a room, while other men sit and sort through evidence.
-- Water Suit Files, Date: "11/29/62": A lawyer, representing Houston homeowners who have filed a suit against the City Council, explains that the suit calls for a referendum vote whenever the City Council proposes to increase the water rate.
-- Stadium Bonds Bid Opening, Date: "11/29/62": Footage of a meeting, and the plot of land that would eventually be home to the Houston Astrodome, followed by a brief interview with County Judge Bill Elliott on the bond money needed to fund the Astrodome construction project.
-- Elliott on Stadium Bonds, Date: "11/30/62": Brief interview with County Judge Bill Elliott on the issue of the bonds that would need to be approved for the funding of the construction of the Astrodome and other Harris County projects.
-- (Burks/Barnes[?]) City Attny - Water Suit, Date: "11/30/62": Lawyer discusses the future of his case.
-- ILA Negotiations, Date: "11/ /62": Footage a meeting at the Office of Labor Relations, West Gulf Maritime Industry
-- New Radar Catallisor [?] Launch [?], Date: "11/ /62": The Houston Police Department shows off their new radar system, which can check the speed of cars 500 feet away.



Nov. 1962

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Houston Public Library, Houston Metropolitan Research Center,




KHOU-TV Film Box 6201, Reel 10

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