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  • Tags: boxing

2 unidentified undercard Fighters during a bout at the ingleader Seriesboxing in Astrodome Monday July 11, 1983.

2 unidentified undercard Fighters during a bout at the ingleader Seriesboxing in Astrodome Monday July 11, 1983.

2 unidentified undercard Fighters during a bout at the ingleader Seriesboxing in Astrodome Monday July 11, 1983.

2 unidentified undercard Fighters during a bout at the ingleader Seriesboxing in Astrodome Monday July 11, 1983.

2 unidentified undercard Fighters during a bout at the ingleader Seriesboxing in Astrodome Monday July 11, 1983.

-- Clay at Fed Court House, Date: "04/27/67": Footage of Muhammad Ali (formerly Cassius Clay) being interviewed by reporters and interacting with a couple of onlookers (and briefly making a face at the camera); his attorneys Hayden Covington and…

-- Buckley on LBJ, Date: "04/18/67": Buckley gives an interview opining that Lyndon Johnson makes disingenuous statements but not in any substantial way on major issues.
-- H. H. on Russian Crash, Date: "04/24/67": Vice President and Chairman of…
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