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Film Footage of Television News Segments from April, 1967 including Democratic National Committee in the Astrodome on April 27, 1967.


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Film Footage of Television News Segments from April, 1967 including Democratic National Committee in the Astrodome on April 27, 1967.


-- Buckley on LBJ, Date: "04/18/67": Buckley gives an interview opining that Lyndon Johnson makes disingenuous statements but not in any substantial way on major issues.
-- H. H. on Russian Crash, Date: "04/24/67": Vice President and Chairman of the National Aeronautics and Space Council Hubert Humphrey explains the opportunity for international collaboration in exploring outer space and the moon.
-- H. H. speech at Rice Hotel, Date: "04/24/67": Vice President Hubert Humphrey speaks passionately about refining Congressional programs to improve their operation while chastising the non-supporters who only criticize.
-- H. H. arrives, Date: "04/24/67": Footage of Vice President Hubert Humphrey disembarking from an airplane to a gathered crowd of welcomers and war protestors and speaking to reporters inside the terminal.
-- Slayton on Russian Crash, Date: "04/24/67": Donald “Deke” Slayton, director of NASA’s flight crew operations, at a press conference reading the statement of condolence sent to the Soviet Academy of Sciences and to cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov’s widow.
-- C Clay Attorney, Date: "04/25/67": Attorney Quinnan Hodges discusses efforts to exempt boxer Muhammad Ali (formerly Cassius Clay) from the draft on grounds of being a minister for the Black Muslims (i.e. the Nation of Islam).
-- Clays Attorney, Date: "04/25/67": Quinnan Hodges, attorney for Muhammad Ali (formerly Cassius Clay), discusses filing a claim with the court the exemption claim as well as the Supreme Court hearings on other topics as part of the effort to exhaust his ‘administrative remedies’ before going into court.
-- Democrats at Dome, Date: "04/27/67": Footage of members of the Democratic National Committee seated in the Astrodome; DNC Chairman John M. Bailey is interviewed on an airport runway about selecting a city in which to hold the convention.



April 1967

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Houston Public Library, Houston Metropolitan Research Center,




KHOU-TV Film Box 6701, Reel 21

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