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Browse Items (15 total)

  • Tags: Presidential campaigns

President Lyndon B. Johnson and others onstage, Nov. 3, 1968

President Lyndon B. Johnson addresses the crowd at the Astrodome, Nov. 3, 1968

President Lyndon B. Johnson speaks to the crowd in front of welcoming scoreboard, Nov. 3, 1968

President Lyndon B. Johnson and Hubert Humphrey, Nov. 3, 1968

President Lyndon B. Johnson speaks to the crowd, Nov. 3, 1968

President Lyndon B. Johnson addresses the crowd, Nov. 3, 1968

President Johnson and Lyn Nugent at Democratic Rally, Nov. 3, 1968

-- Clay at Fed Court House, Date: "04/27/67": Footage of Muhammad Ali (formerly Cassius Clay) being interviewed by reporters and interacting with a couple of onlookers (and briefly making a face at the camera); his attorneys Hayden Covington and…

-- Buckley on LBJ, Date: "04/18/67": Buckley gives an interview opining that Lyndon Johnson makes disingenuous statements but not in any substantial way on major issues.
-- H. H. on Russian Crash, Date: "04/24/67": Vice President and Chairman of…
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