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Film Footage of Television News Segments from October and November, 1969


Dublin Core


Film Footage of Television News Segments from October and November, 1969


-- U of H Donation, Date: "10/28/69": An unidentified man explains how his son motivated him to donate to the University of Houston at a press conference.
-- Wage + Hrs, Date: "10/28/69": A Channel 11 reporter interviews Mr. Moran on enforcing minimum wage standards, particularly in relation to the problem of people bringing in less income from their salary than from public assistance.
-- Mayor on Bond Election, Date: "11/02/69": Mayor Louie Welch posits that without the passage of the bond election, Houston’s growth will be severely stunted with increasing traffic congestion, stalled street and sewage processing plant expansion, and so forth.
-- Auto-Train Fatal, Date: "11/03/69": Footage shows a crowd of people gathered at an intersection; mangled car is shown in the grass.
-- Dome [], Date: "11/03/69": Footage from the Astrodome parking lot as Channel 11 reporter Judd McIlvain describes the debate over whether citizens should have free access to the parking lot when an event is not in progress.
-- Customs Sales, Date: "11/02/69": Footage of a building holding a “US Customs Sale” and the available goods.
-- AAA[], Date: "11/07/69": An unidentified man explains the availability of temporary housing for alcoholics ("repeat drunkenness offenders") getting back on their feet as well as the benefit in freeing up police officers to handle more important crimes.
-- G. E. Strike, Date: "10/27/69": Footage opens with a pair of picketers walking along a road in front of General Electric’s office with a sign announcing “local 1008 IUE on strike against General Electric Co.” Other strikers are shown lining the road.
-- Comiss "Mc[]" Audio Tape, Date: "10/27/69": Footage of a community hearing.



Oct.-Nov. 1969

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Houston Public Library, Houston Metropolitan Research Center,




KHOU-TV Film Box 6904, Reel 24

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